“we don’t confess for clout
we do it to build community”
I do it for a hundred reasons, one of which is that I guide this emotional and relational energy for my job, that and most of the other reasons I speak are highly misunderstood,.. and if you ever want to understand, you can simply seek it.
It’s simple,
but it’s vulnerable,
so I get why most just form an opinion, or judgement
cuz asking is a bid for connection and can often means rejection
- and most don’t have the capacity for that emotion -
and many believe if we never ask,
we never get rejected…
but if you never ask you’ve already lost.
You’ve rejected your own need
for connection.
You’re not even playing the game, you’re just watching from the sidelines.
To risk connection, is to risk rejection.
To risk vulnerability, is to ask,
Sometimes for understanding,
Sometimes to understand,
and possibly not get it,
but either way,
the prize is love.
In the asking,
You might end up with some of theirs,
but you certainly gain yours.
And I’ll let JR say the rest 👇
“vulnerability doesn’t mean telling others what happened to us from across a cafe table or from behind a microphone
and then going home from the experience feeling just as alone as you did before
vulnerability means allowing your human heart blanket to get sewn to other heart blankets
it’s about connection
we don’t share for status
we do it for synergy
we don’t confess for clout
we do it to build community
we tell our tale
to invite others
to tell theirs
it’s the sacred cycle
of storytelling
we gather in a circle of trust and
say “here is my journey”
then we listen to
the other journeys
that are shared
we take space
then we give space
we pour
then we absorb
we speak
then we listen
we are storytellers
then we are witnesses
vulnerability isn’t just about
grave digging in our past
to expose our skeletons
it’s about sewing quilts
here is my patch
here is your patch
here is their patch
here is us
here is our story”
~ john “patchwork heart” roedel
Other reasons to share:
To warn others of dangers
And there are many people and practices and principles etc that are worth speaking up about and risking losing or transforming your reputation and ego
You’ll have your values, integrity and character more intact than before.
The choice is yours.
I chose truth.
I gained love.
But first
I poured out the ocean of emotion in me
I burned
For over a year.
For over a year,
I lost what seemed like it all.
At least the shells of loose love and shallow connections I’d built my life on fell away
and the ground with it.
But I still had me.
My values,
Gritty dirt gripping my roots
And few strong souls helping me tend the web.
Vulnerability is not for the faint of heart.
But if you have a feint one
I encourage you to try it
And then keep practicing
Because in the practice you find your courage
And in the process you become your love.
Fall in love with the process of vulnerability
And in the process you fall in love.
The process
Tbt Salzburg 6am empty cathedral and nunnery before the tourists arrived.
Just me and a prayer,
a longing,
an asking and receiving,
a communication,
a communion;
A moment of love dancing.
“Step into the fires of self-discovery
It will not burn you,
It will only burn what you are not”
& so it is