Happy Valentine’s Day:
To all those who are walking on eggshells but aren’t even sure if they’re actually shells like it seems or if it’s rose petals they’ve been gaslit to believe they’re misperceiving someone’s covert contempt. They’re told it’s love when it’s hate.
Bc they’re been conditioned by society, upbringing and their partners that emotional abuse is love. (Which is in itself psychological abuse.)
Bc even tho they know what love is, as they embody it and give it all the time, not perfectly but consistently and without needing anything returned, they’re groomed by their partners and spiritual circles to think having any bare minimum need for weekly consistent affection, attention, connection, communication, clarity, and reciprocity means they’re petty and transactional and lower minded or “in their ego” or selfish.
And that if they say anything about their concerns they’re being critical. If they share how they feel they’re told they’re being manipulative.
And happy Valentines to those who would never hurt a fly, who are scared that their manipulative partner is right and they ARE the mean ones for not “loving their partner as they are, abuse and all”,
the messed up ones “who have trauma and just can’t see the person in front of them (who’s been hurting them and not taking accountability) loves them and it’s just something wrong with their perception and they need to heal their trauma;
so they work harder and dig deeper to make sure it’s not them, and make themselves smaller so as not to be the monster they are told they’re being and instead, the actual monster who’s projecting all this on to them and making themselves smaller and doing their emotional labor and breaking their brain with mental gymnastics in order to make sense of their partner’s cognitive dissonance, is getting bigger.
Happy valentines to anyone who’s been through or IS going through that abuse cycle. Man or woman.
If you need help getting out of it. PM me for resources.
If you need help REWEAVING your heart mind and body back together after the deep seemingly endless damages these people can cause. PM me for 1:1 info.
Praying all people, especially those who harm us deeply knowing or not knowing, awaken.
I pray they have the eyes to see their harms
The ears to hear the pain they cause
The heart to feel the pain they cause
The body to hold it all with compassion and the mind to understand why they’re doing it and the commitment to stop the behavior.
The courage to clean up their messes by doing the thing that seems like it would kill them but actually sets them free.
Be humble. Accountable. And make a full offering of themselves in their amends work.
May all brings feel love which includes ALL of our parts.
May all brings be brave enough to touch truth and find the depths of intimacy within it.
May all brings awaken.