People kill themselves trying to stay in the light.
Sometimes by getting too much sun,
Being too active,
Bringing too much light and positivity,
Not knowing how to rest and digest the dark slow moments of life.
Sometimes by shaming themselves into isolation because they can not “just be happy, grateful, positive, and light” and the world tells them there’s something wrong with that. #suicideawareness
To all the #lightworkers
Are you really bringing light?
Or are you forcing positive mindsets?
Is light what the world really needs more of? Why are we trying to “enhance the light” so much?
Does the sun really need your fucking help to shine?
Are you like a magnifying glass burning the thing you’re shining on?
Could it be that what we truly need is the darkness?
Shade from the harshness of everyone beaming their radiance when we’re needing to rest.
Like flipping the light on in the night, why?
Let the night be the night.
Let the moon be the moon.
Let the sun be the sun.
Let winter be winter.
Let the blooms die and roots deepen.
Let death be death - awful and vulnerable and terrifyingly cracking me open and breaking me down.
Let sickness be sickness, trust your body to heal, don’t transmute or cover it with theraflu so you can function better, just nourish your cells, ‘your-selves’, rest and breathe with it. That fever you have is usually working FOR you. Burning away the infection.
Let darkness and pain work its magic.
We don’t need MORE light.
We quite literally need less of it - cell phones - electricity - consumerism - creation on all levels constantly working through the night and seasons has made us sick. And then #lightworkers tell us to #staypositive and #manifest more.
THAT is the #toxicmasculinty in our culture.
Too much positivity, action, creation, effort, and “yes” - “ i know” - “I think”.
Not enough negativity, rest, destruction, surrender and “no” - “i dont know” - “I feel”.
We don’t need more resolutions to build and create the lives we deserve to live.
We need a better resolves to include the DIS-SOLVE and dissolutions.
We need more learning to live the lives we’re in.
Right now.
To let go and embrace the pace we are given.
To play the cards we are dealt.
To live fully in the season we are gifted.
To savor each flavor and find its use and purpose.
I want dark bitter coffee and chocolate.
I want savory salty dense.
I want sour tart tangy.
The earthy roots in their dirty glory.
Bring me the medley and menagerie.
My tongue is tired of your “saccharine” sprinkling its cancerous promises on our souls.
Let me rest and recharge in the dark of winter.
In the depressed moments
Let me deep-rest in those moments
Let me listen to the anger and sadness and the truth begging to be EXpressed from within them.
That all too often get the message “keep sweet” and truth is pressed out, pressed down, de-pressed.
I can go on and on and do in our Spiritual Gym meditation group each month.
And please, to all the #loveandlight bringers, I see you, I love you, I was you, still am sometimes and sometimes it’s ok and useful
and please #takenote
Rest awhile
That, would be how to “bring the light”
By letting it come,
It shines on its own.
Don’t push the river,
It moves by itself.
Sending Darkness and Deep Rest to everyone who thinks there’s something wrong with them for needing it.
I see you.
I love you.
There’s nothing wrong with you,
Except maybe the part of you that’s programmed to think there’s something wrong with you.
Do you need help? Probably.
There’s nothing wrong with that either.
In fact once again, the part of THAT that’s probably “wrong” is the part of you who thinks it’s bad to need support.
It’s actually “bad” to not need support!!! It creates #toxicindepence and that is killing our world rn
Please reach out
Join a community
A cause
Cause you’re worth it.